A Writer’s Mantra. {A Musing}



“You’re a writer.” – Your main objective is to write.

When you have nothing left, you’ll finally know what it means to have everything you ever needed.

Blessed, are those who’ve forgotten who they are so that they might finally discover their true essence in life.

Without purpose, cause or direction, we’re lost—adrift in a sea of loneliness and despair; an unrelenting, self-inflicted torment that will only continue to fester.

Enlightened people aren’t the lucky ones. They’re the people who’ve been to hell and who’ve climbed from those depths and passages of utmost darkness, to once again see the light and avail the reality of who they truly are. We embody both, heaven and hell within the construct of heart, mind and spirit.

If we allow ourselves to be thrust forward in uncanny ways, despite the struggle and hardships that often ensue, we might be fortunate enough to figure out what’s worth living for in this life. We finally learn what the meaning is.

Besides believing who we are, or upholding some preconceived notion of our identity, we’re offered an opportunity to strip away all that has accumulated—all that’s collected like dust upon our soul. When the winds arise, don’t turn your back to it, allow what no longer serves you, what you no longer identify with to be blown away, stripped from the core of your being and forgotten over time. Face the winds with a daunting courage and you’ll discover what you’re truly capable of achieving.

Unless we persist through the pain, we’re liable of becoming that which would otherwise cripple us and distort who we are and what we’re meant to be doing in this life. Our good will, determination to survive and thrive is what urges us along to forge new pathways no matter how terrifying or eroding to our sense of welfare it might seem in any given moment.

Joy is not something obtained from outside ourselves. No amount of material possessions or value added beyond our own spirit and body will ever deliver the immensity of pure, unadulterated happiness that exists deep within the core of our very being. Here and now, in the presence of our attentive awareness is where joyous wonder resides.

The next time you’re feeling down and out, take a walk. Take a long walk, until your feet are sore and you’ve forgotten what you were so worried about in the first place.

Anger only serves us if we’re willing to act on it. Festering in the nightmares of our mind will only delude any good senses we have of one another—each person merely a reflection of who we truly are on some level too.

Run. To or from makes no difference, but run either way. Go someplace new and feel what it’s like to do something that’s different—what’s unfamiliar to the forefront of our day to day lives.

When we get lost, we finally realize that we will never be found and that the beauty of life lies in the mystery of uncertainty and not knowing, when or what and sometimes even where—no matter how used to normalcy and routine we’ve grown accustomed to.

Our journey consists of a process of destruction that avails truths from within we only once knew existed—for so many of us, when we were young and still innocent (beyond impression).

Take the time to help someone you’d normally pass by on the street or somewhere you’d normally tuck in your chin and keep your head down. If they make you feel uncomfortable, it’s because in some life, you were them and they looked upon you as you are them, now.

The path of forgiveness is not an easy trail to embark upon. It will force us to summon every force of our good nature to follow through with unconditionally accepting what happened and how we’re going to walk forward from this point of realization.

Unless we forgive ourselves, the weight of the world will always remain atop our shoulders. This is no way to live. We deserve more than to be shamed or to shame ourselves for being human. Mistakes are natural and we’re meant to learn from them. Ignorance is no longer applicable, once we realize that it’s our duty to correct and right our ways.

If you’re afraid of where you’re headed simply because you’ve never been there before, just remember that no one ever reached significant heights without exalting themselves by climbing beyond their own self-imposed limitations.

We can always turn back but this is not the path the warrior chooses. Turning back is an admission of defeat and only a defeatist’s mind will do such a dastardly deed. A warrior does not know what exists beyond the next bend in the path, only that their mind is made up—they are determined to witness this world with their own eyes and senses; unshakably vulnerable and aware, yet in awe of what’s next.

We are not lost, even if we’re wandering—so long as we know that there’s only one destination and that time to come is not for us to decide. All shall pass, whether we choose to live fully and enjoy each moment or reside in fear of what our fate ensures, is an inescapable truth. Denial cannot save us, for we are eternally lost, yet unconditionally embraced throughout every turn we steer into and away from in life.


2 thoughts on “A Writer’s Mantra. {A Musing}

  1. I should say something deep and profound, but all there is to say is, yup, what he said.
    It is almost uncanny how the same thoughts can manifest in different people.


  2. Oh, thank you so very much.
    I’ve been feeling wasted while giving my best to others.
    I love your writing, I truly miss them when you take long without posting.
    I love you ♡


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